Make sure your tyres are up to standard before you drive on wet roads
Autumn has well and truly arrived, but do you know the best way to take care of your car now it’s getting colder? We share some of the checks you should consider making in the coming weeks, as well as driving tips for the chillier months.
You’ve probably noticed that your car battery doesn’t do as well in the cold.
This is because, when it’s colder, the chemical reaction inside the battery happens a lot slower, if at all. The cold weather also reduces your battery’s ability to hold charge, meaning it will go flat quicker and may not even start.
Additionally, during the colder months, your car uses more electricity. Your headlights, window wipers and heater all put further strain on your car battery.
Car batteries can cost up to £400 to replace, so it’s important to get yours checked by a professional to make sure it won’t cause you any issues.
Checking all your lights work should be high on your list of priorities. Not only could you be stopped by the police if one of your lights doesn’t work, but you’ll be needing the extra visibility more often as winter arrives.
Drivers should also get their tyres checked. With it raining more often during colder months, it’s important your tyres have good traction on the road.
LeaseVan have advised that drivers be on the look out for animals on the road as the colder weather sets in. Many animals such as deer, badgers and foxes are likely to be on the move at dawn and dusk, so keep an eye out for them crossing the roads.
You should also be aware of the distance between your car and others on the road. Slippery or icy roads will increase the distance you’ll need to break, so make sure you leave enough space between your car and the car in front of you when driving.
If you want more information, check out our top tips for driving in autumn.