The UK’s most confusing road signs

UK's most confusing road signs revealed

They’re meant to be there to help us out, but new research has revealed that road signs are causing a little bit too much confusion on the road.

Misunderstanding road signs can lead to dangerous situations on the road. To stay protected, make sure your car insurance is up to date and offers comprehensive coverage for any potential accidents caused by road confusion.

While some people might be up to date with their highway code, it’s fair to say a few people will have forgotten what the odd road sign means, especially if it’s a little bit obscure…

The top 5 most confusing road signs in the UK

The UK’s lack of road sense was exposed by a recent survey of 1,220 drivers from across the UK.

The most confusing road signs in the UK revealed With-flow bus and cycle lane.

It’s taken the top spot for most confusing road sign in the UK, and it is a bit confusing. It’s no wonder a whopping 79% of people struggled with it.

The UK's most confusing road signs revealed With-flow bus lane ahead which bikes and taxis may also use.

This one is fairly confusing, which is why it comes as no surprise that only 28% of answered correctly.

The UK's most confusing road signs revealed Minimum speed.

We know the UK roads are full of speed demons, but the fact that 70% answered incorrectly is worrying.


The UK's most confusing road signs revealed No entry for vehicles.

Probably one of the most common signs on UK roads, which is why it’s shocking that a 62% answered wrong.

The UK's most confusing road signs revealed Recommended route for pedal cycles.

Only 43% of respondents got this road sign correct.

Other confusing road signs

While they might’ve failed to crack the top 5 there’s a few which need mentioning.

Worryingly, people seem to struggle with their lefts. Both the ‘Turn Left’ (46% answered correctly) and ‘Keep Left’ (75% answered correctly) road signs scored poorly.

The level crossing without a barrier road sign also performed badly, with just 57% of people answering it correctly. Heaven help them if they come across a sign like this on the road.

Unsurprisingly, drivers also seemed to get confused with two signs which look almost identical, ‘No waiting’ (59% answered correctly) and ‘No Stopping’ (58% of people answered correctly).

Too many road signs are causing confusion

An AA spokesman commented that road signs help boost safety but warned that there are so many nowadays that they can be confusing.

New guidance from the Department of Transport (DfT) describes the “overuse” of traffic signs in recent years as having “blighted the landscape” of towns and villages across the UK.
Now, local authorities are being told by the Government to remove signs deemed “obsolete or unnecessary”.

Instead they should adopt a “less is more” approach when planning the implementation of road signs in the future.

Now you know all about the UK’s most confusing road signs why not have a read through our Road Safety hub and get all the latest insights.

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