7 ways drivers can take the stress out of camping

You don't need a big car to go camping. Just a few small additions can make the entire trip more relaxing and a lot less of a struggle.

Camping is seeing a surge in popularity following the Brexit vote, with some 1.5 million holiday-goers opting to stay in the UK rather than go abroad.

You don’t need a big car to go camping. Just a few small additions can make the entire trip more relaxing and a lot less of a struggle. So here are some of the best ways to kit your vehicle out for the perfect trip.


Bike rack: Exploring the great outdoors is great when you’re on four wheels, but squashing your bike on to the backseat is probably not an option, especially with the rest of your camping equipment in tow. A bike rack allows you to bring your cycle with you without leaving any holiday essentials behind.

Keep the cost down with a rear-mounted bike rack as they don’t require any additional mounting bars. They’re also easy to fit.

Roof boxes: Tent, cooking equipment, clothes – trying to cram all that camping equipment into the boot of your car isn’t easy. A roof box is a great investment and will double the amount of space you have in your boot. Just make sure the box is fully secured to the roof and be aware of the extra height you have when going under low fixtures.

Boot organiser: An organised camper is a happy camper and making the most of the space you have is one of the best ways to take the stress out of camping.

A boot tidy can be great for keeping everything together. Most come with handles, making it easy to lift in and out and the handy sections are great for separating your dirty outerwear from your clean clothes and food supplies.

Plug-in accessories

You don’t have to be a smoker to get full use of your cigarette lighter. As long as you leave the car running and don’t let the battery go flat, there are some handy plug-ins to help you enjoy all your home comforts while on the go.

In-car fridge: Keeping food and drinks chilled has always been a major challenge for campers. The 12-volt fridges keep those essential supplies at a nice cool temperature and stop the need for a mid-trip dash to the nearest shop.

Cooker: Having to light a barbecue every time you want to boil the kettle can put a bit of a dampener on your trip. You can pick up a one-ring, plug-in cooker for as little as £20, which is ideal if you’re partial to a cup of tea.

TV: Taking a television on a camping trip might not be in the spirit of adventure, but if you don’t want to miss your favourite shows then your cigarette lighter could be the answer to your problem.

A 12-volt TV can be powered from your car and you can pick up a suitcase satellite system for under £50.

Solar battery charger

All these gadgets are likely to take their toll on your battery, so a solar battery charger will solve all your trouble. The UK might not be the sunniest holiday location, but the majority of chargers work just as well in cloudy conditions – ideal for a camping holiday.

Happy camping!

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