Approximately 20 million journeys are expected to be made this bank holiday weekend, with traffic almost returning to 2019’s pre-pandemic high of 22 million journeys. 4 […]
Older drivers are at risk of having their driving licence immediately revoked for not following a simple rule. Older drivers could be considered ‘hazard to the […]
According to the Express, motorists are suddenly realising that there’s one kind of speed limit sign you can ignore. Amber speed signs The speed limit on […]
Over half of drivers haven’t read the Highway Code since passing their driving test, despite several recent updates being added to the rule book. 88% of […]
More than 16 million car journeys will be made over the course of the early May bank holiday, research from the RAC and transport analytics specialists, […]
Crucial equipment on smart motorways, including CCTV cameras and signals, has been found to have lost power multiple times recently, leaving drivers at risk. Loss of […]
The latest Department for Transport figures show that 91 cyclists and 350 motorcyclists were killed on Britain’s Roads in 2022. Now, on the 10th anniversary of […]
A swathe of mechanics across Britain could be prevented from carrying out MOT tests simply for not completing annual tests. Are MOT testers leaving assessments too […]
UK car production has increased for six consecutive months thanks, in part, to the gradual transition to electrified vehicles. How many cars are being built? The […]
Potholes have become one of the biggest problems on Britain’s roads. If your vehicle has been damaged by potholes, here’s how to claim compensation for the […]
Fuel prices finally stabilised in January after falling for three months, but price analysis reveals a ‘blatantly wrong’ 14p difference between the highest and lowest-priced supermarket […]
The UK’s most popular cars from 2023 have been revealed, and not all is as expected. With almost 50,000 registrations, find out which car has dethroned […]